Thursday, May 23, 2013

Legs to Spare

During our morning routine, my son calls out, "Ew Mommy, a bug. Look at him go! Get him!" Wishing peace on the house centipede's little soul, I approached with a wad of toilet paper in hand and was told, "Wait a minute. I want to watch him. Squish him when I say, 'Go.'" Well, he never said, "Go." My son had to dismiss himself from the situation for a few minutes, so I was left in charge to monitor the bug. Scheming, I got my tweezers and planned to gently snag Fuzzy by the leg and capture him in the bug house conveniently at hand for such situations. Little did I know, Fuzzy had a few tricks up his jointed legs. When in the grasp of a predator, house centipedes can drop their captured leg(s) and keep on running on all of the remaining 15+ pairs of legs. I successfully scared two legs off of him and decided to stop before my son emerged to find a legless Fuzzy. With a tulip poplar flower for a water dish, Fuzzy is still hanging out in the bug house waiting for his eminent release into the backyard tonight. 

House centipede. Photo by Laura Jesse 
Every day I add another factoid to my noggin. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Spreading the Word

I'm more of a "lead by example" kind of gal. But when given the opportunity, I'll state my case. My friend and editor of ASID ICON, Jen, approached me with one of these opportunities. This coming Friday, May 25 is World Interiors Day, a global celebration of design's influence on society and the built environment. For the week prior to World Interiors Day, ASID ICON blog is featuring ASID members and what they have to say about #SpaceMatters. I set about my task to capture the #SpaceMatters theme, World Interiors, and the idea that every decision designers and consumers make impact the environment and ultimately our health. Here's a link to my blog entry.